"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something" - Gil Scott-Heron

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

It's a BOY!!!!

We had our sonogram today and found out that we are to expect a boy in December! We are very excited. I am a wee bit nervous because I never grew up with any little boys so this will be all new for me but we'll be fine and get used it in no time.

At first the baby had his legs closed and they said it might be a girl but they'd look back to see when the baby moved a little bit and uncrossed his legs. So for about 15 minutes we thought we were having a girl and then they scanned over the area and we saw "the boy part"!!!! It was pretty clear and funny. The tech said "it's not a girl" and you could see that he was right.

Congrats to cousin Dianne and Chris for having twin girls today too!!! Welcome to the world Olivia and Cecilia!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Welcome Home Sherm!!!

Thanks to good people in the neighborhood, Sherm is home! He has been gone a week and is a little thin but goes to the vet tomorrow for a check up. We're all hoping he never pulls this stunt again! He nearly bit my finger off when I gave him treats and he gobbled up his food. My sister left for Ohio for the weekend so she hasn't even seen him yet! B and Avah will be glad to see him when they return.

Welcome home!!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Come Home Sherm!!!

Your mother is worried sick about you! My sister, B, has had a cat named Sherman "Sherm" for about 8 years now and he all the sudden decided to disappear. We are hoping he is just on rumspringa and will see how sweet he has it at home and return soon. In all seriousness, we all want him home and hope he is safe.

**** Update on Sherm - he is not home yet but my sister said she thinks she has seen him a couple of times. We still have hope that he is out there and just running around enjoying the wild life. For peace of mind, we all want him safe and sound in the house so we all keep looking and hoping. ****

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Happy Anniversary Annie and Doug!!

July 10th was my sister and brother-in-law's 5th wedding anniversary. They had Annie's great friend Joelle come out for the weekend and take photos. I happen to think that Joelle is one of the most gifted photographers around with her creativity and sense of style. All her photos, no matter who her subjects are, come out gorgeous. This just so happened to be one of her easier photo shoots because Annie and Doug were picture perfect. If you want to check out more of their album just click this link and be sure to check out Joelle's blog for more great pictures.

Happy Anniversary A & D.

A, I see you got your ring.

Photos taken by Joelle Watt

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bathing Cuties

I thought these pictures were too cute not to share. This is over at "mom-mom and pop-pop's" pool. All five of the Horgan nieces and nephews cooling off on a hot summer day.

Loucky, Bridget, Christopher, Matthew and Margaret "Maggie" Horgan

Kissing cousins

Scuba Steve??

Photos courtesy of Kim Horgan ;-)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th America!

The 4th of July was here and gone already. It doesn't feel like the middle of the summer should be here with all the rain and crummy June weather we have had. But here we are in July and I think, hopefully, the weather is starting to be more like summer.

We did not make any plans for this weekend and decided to stay home, golf (Jack), get some "things" done around the house and relax. Jack got some small repairs done, almost finished the new sidewalk out back he is putting in and still had time to play 18 holes. I planted flowers and did some much needed cleaning around the house, which means I must be getting some energy back! The tomato plant that Stoli ate is coming back to us too. I am so glad because I don't have a green thumb and I was so excited to see that I got a plant to grow from a seed! I hope to have large and yummy tomatoes by the end of the summer. I'll even be happy with just one. She has moved on to my pinks now.

The Hangey's were having a cookout for the 4th so we headed over there for some food and fun. There were plenty of fireworks to watch and good food to eat. My already tight jeans were bursting at the seams. I don't like this in between stage of not really fitting into your normal clothes but not ready for maternity either. I just want to live in sweatpants.

We went to see The Hangover this morning ($5.00 morning show!) and it was hilarious. Funniest movie I have seen is a LONG time. When we got home, I planted more flowers and now we are going to get ready to have a nice little cookout of our own. Just the two of us, the three dogs and our Christmas baby Horgan.

I hope everyone had a nice weekend whether they got to get away or just stayed at home!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pittsburgh or bust!

This picture is of Lux, Annie and Doug's cat, with her fat belly hanging over her feet. This is her favorite lounging position but not the most flattering. I thought her facial expression was great.

Last weekend we went to Pittsburgh (Sewickley) to visit my older (hee hee) sister, Annie and Doug. Doug had a "gig" at Club Cafe in the southside Saturday and we wanted to go and support him. We haven't been able to visit them often because I was in school and busy all the time so it was nice to get out to western, PA and spend some time with them.

The weather was beautiful and I seem to be feeling better so a nice Mexican dinner and long walk Friday night was perfect. We even walked passed Lemieux's house but no one invited us in. Saturday mom and our cousin Alison came in from Ohio and we went to watch Doug's show. Very nice job by the brother-in-law I must say.

Sunday, we had a long drive ahead of us back home, so we packed up the Tahoe and away we went. About an hour, if that, into the trip we got a flat tire! That was my 2nd of the week. Monday night coming home from work I had a flat tire but made it home. So were were surprised to have another one in that week. We pulled over and put the spare on and were on our way when about 30 minutes later we got ANOTHER flat tire. All different tires mind you. So what were we to do now? The spare was in use and we were on the turnpike in Somerset, PA. We had to call for a tow and were towed to a wal-mart where it took 2 hours to fix the tires. $300.00 and 4.5 hours later we made it home. What a day that was. Lesson learned - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE AAA!!!

Here are just a couple pictures of Doug singing. It was so dark in there and I didn't want to be flashing the camera all over the place so I tried to play around with the camera and most of the shots got blurry (shutter speed ;-() so this is the best I have. He still looks like a rockstar though.