"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something" - Gil Scott-Heron

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Happy Birthday Jack!

Today is my dear husbands birthday. We didn't have much planned for the weekend except for some relaxing time and golf, and basketball, and hockey and Phillies baseball spring training with a little COPS and America's Most Wanted thrown in. He is getting lasagna for dinner and now that it is all made and ready to bake, I feel bad because I really didn't give him an option. Anyway, he did get a cheesecake that we ate last night and I have another cake (that I chose ;-)) ready to go for dessert.
Today is also the first day of spring. It was almost 80 degrees on Friday! It has since gotten colder but it was so nice to be outside without a jacket on. I can't wait for summer. Duke LOVES to play outside and now, regardless of the temperature, that is all he wants to do. So even though it is chilly out today, we bundled up and went out for a little bit. He went to the dr. on Thursday and has croup and wheezing, which he is on a daily breathing treatment for. The dr. said that getting out in the cold air might help his breathing. He is feeling much better today.

Duke and cousin Avah, picking out the marshmallows from Lucky Charms cereal.

Duke resting on daddy's leg.


Pulling his wagon.

Digging in the endless bag of golf balls.

A bit colder outside today.
Or basketball?
Maybe in a few years.
Still digging.
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