This year Jack and I decided that with a new baby on the way, it would be too much for us to throw our annual Horgan Halloween Bash this year. I was teetering back and forth on whether or not we should do it because they are always so fun and I LOVE seeing everyone's creative costumes. Some family were disappointed too so my MIL stepped in and saved the annual Halloween Bash and decided to have it at her house this year!!! I should be titling this post "How my MIL saved Halloween". Since Jack's cousin, Dianne, turned 30 just days before, it was turned into a surprise 30th/Halloween party - even more fun!

Dianne, Chris and their adorable twins! I thought the twins were spinach but they were two peas in a pod - so cute!
There were so many fun and creative costumes that I can't possibly post them all on here. Jack and I went as bacon and eggs, there was Pee Wee Herman, greek gods, busy bees, you name it. There was even an entire supermarket of babies.

Avah had her Halloween parade at school and I went, hand sanitizer in tow and she looked so cute. She was a rock star, which someday, I swear she really will be. Then off to dance class on Halloween morning. This is her outfit! What a character she is. She definitely loves fun.

At the Halloween party, Aunt Lynny, surprised us all with the wonderful news that Jay and Amy were expecting their first baby - due June 20th! Everyone was so excited for her - she has been dying to be a mom-mom. The parents to be looked thrilled and we are so happy for them. She told everyone by dressing up as a grandma for Halloween and in her brag book was a cute little note that she was going to be a grandma and Jay and Amy were having a baby.

To view the Halloween pictures I took, click
here. It is a snapfish album and I hope it works.
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