"Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something" - Gil Scott-Heron

Sunday, December 18, 2011

A fun Christmas filled weekend!

This is last weekend when we had cousin Avah for the weekend.  We love having her and Duke LOVES having her at our house.  She read to him and his little mother hen.

My boss's son goes to the same high school that Jack did so she bought Duke a LaSalle sweatshirt!  He loves it.

My dessert for the Callahan Christmas party.  Another ice box cake.

The Horgan clan with Santa!  We are growing and growing!

My little family with santa.  We had so muh fun at the firehouse party!  Duke had fun playing with all the little cousins his own age and dancing and singing.

Maybe a future career?

Our little drummer boy.

slash rock star

Mom-mom has the box on her head!!  They did the "shuffle" this year.  Way more energy than I have for sure!  Duke loved it.
We had lots to do this weekend!  I was worried I wouldn't get it all done.  I had shopping, wrapping, baking, oh and showering and partying.  Friday night is when I tried to get most of the baking done and I did.  I also finished my shopping and most of my wrapping.  Saturday we had the Callahan Christmas party to go to.  It's at the firehouse every year and I think now it is up to 102 people!  There are so many little kids!  I love it.  There is dancing and non stop playing.  It's one giant play date.  Duke had a GREAT time.  He loved running around with all the kids and he kept grabbing the microphone.  He is really into opening presents this year.  It is going to be crazy and fun on Christmas morning.  I hope he doesn't get too greedy.  I really want it to be more special than just the presents.  I want him to look forward to the traditions and not just the gifts but what kid doesn't love presents.  Something we have to work on with him. 

I love this time of year.  The chaos and all the running around for the commercialism of the holiday, I could do without but the music, movies and all the family get togethers, I love.  I could sit and relax by the Christmas tree all day long.  I remember always loving having the Christmas tree up.  I get to look back on the year that flew by and realize how lucky I am to have such a good and healthy family.  This economy really stinks right now and times are uncertain but we are healthy and able to work and are surrounded by good people.  We can't get any luckier.  I often think of all the kids in the hospital over the holidays and all the families who can't afford to buy their kids presents and it always makes me a little sadder this time of year.  For as much as I love the joy of the season, I always think about people who are not as fortunate.  I am one lucky girl. 

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